Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 - Monday

Praise the LORD from the heavens;
praise him in the heights.
Praise him, all you his angels;
give praise, all you his hosts.
Kings of the earth and all peoples,
princes and all who govern on earth;
Young men and women too,
old and young alike.
Let them all praise the LORD’s name,
for his name alone is exalted,
His majesty above earth and heaven. (Psalm 148:1-2,11-13 NABRE)

Today's passage is from a beautiful hymn inviting the beings of heaven and of earth to praise God. The hymn does not even distinguish between inanimate and animate (and rational) nature!*

For a truly powerful prophetic vision of God, read the very beginning of the book of Ezekiel. Read it slowly, like poetry. Take in the imagery and try to picture the scene. Beginning at verse four, he describes the sounds and sights by which his limited human senses envisioned a glimpse of heaven, as though the highest spiritual things took physical form and joined us in our place. The dramatic and expansive vision serves to remind us of God's inconceivable grandeur, and of our own unworthy inclusion in his divine company.

Today, I will join all creation in praise of the Lord.

Saint Dominic, priest and patron of astronomers and the Dominican Republic, pray for us.

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