Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14, 2014 - Friday

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? (John 3:12 NIV)

Yesterday was so windy that a flag outside blew nearly straight out, like the flag in the old moon landing photos.  Watching it, I knew with certainty that the wind was blowing.  In fact, I could tell it was blowing from the north east and was affecting everything it touched with the cold air it brought.

I speak of the wind as if I have seen it.  Of course, I have not.  You can never see wind.  But I believe it is real.  All the signs point to it, so I am willing to believe it exists--the movement of the flag, the unusual cold.

Noticing the signs of what we cannot see does not come naturally to me, but I have noticed how God's spirit affects this world.  So, I am as certain of God's truth as I am of the wind that blows.

Not to break any metaphors here, but I hope to be God's flag, blowing in his wind, as a sign to anyone who sees me that he is right here with us.

Today, I will watch the invisible things move and affect the visible world.

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