Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014 - Saturday

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. (Psalm 100:1 NIV)

I woke up sad today.  And my first confrontation of the day is this verse!  I'm frustrated and laughing, annoyed and grateful, angry and (crazy as it might be) already not as sad.  What do I do with this?  Well, no intellectualizing today.  It would be dishonest.  

Connecting with line 1 of song 100 just changed my mood for the better.  It reminds me of so much goodness:  That I am alive.  That I can shout for joy.  That I have a thousand reasons to be joyful.  That I am not alone in my joy.  That the joy was a gift.  That this is my purpose.  That God has a plan for me, for the earth, and for all that is.  Well, you get the idea!  Amen!

Joy, it seems, is more than an emotion, but I experience it like an emotion.  It is an attitude that comes from simple awareness of the grandeur of this creation, of God's touch on all things great and small.  It is a choice to focus.  It is the gift, the reward of asking, in any circumstance, for God's help and letting go of control so he can help.  So you recognize joy, it feels like happiness, confidence and purposefulness all at once.  Ask for it.  Let it wash over you.  Enjoy it.  Thank God for sharing his joy with us!

Today, I will allow joy to rule my heart.

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