Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21, 2014 - Friday

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27, 28 NIV)

On one hand this can seem so remote that it seems little more than a platitude.  Somehow, it feels trite and inconsequential!  But on the other hand, let's slow down and look at things in reverse....

Pray for those who mistreat

Why?  Because I'm sad to admit that I've mistreated a few people along the way, and it would be amazing to learn that maybe they prayed for me even after I mistreated them.  I do have people who mistreat me.  What do I think of them?  Can I pray for them? 

Bless those who curse

I can recall tossing a few angry words at others on occasion--it would be utterly overwhelming to know that maybe they asked God to bless me even after my sharp tongue attacked them.  I do have people who curse me.  How do I react to that?  Can I turn it around and bless them?  

Do good for those who hate

Honestly, I have hated, if briefly.  Imagine if that person did something good for me even after feeling my hatred!   And then, gratefully, it starts to get a little more remote for me!  I am not certain and cannot think of anyone, but I may have had people who have hated me.  Could I do good for someone who I know that hates me?  How do I get past their hate?

Love your enemies

Through the years, I have been so opposed to a few people I might have considered them my enemies.  Gratefully, I have no memory of being anyone's enemy.  But if it should happen, will I be able to love them--show them patience, kindness, and all the other qualities we associate with love?  How would I reverse my urge to attack them?  I know I cannot on my own, certainly not seventy times seven times!

Today, I will pray for the Holy Spirit to lead my heart to prayer, blessings, goodness and love toward those who are set against me.

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