Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014 - Sunday

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5 NIV)

Unfortunately, meekness has never really been a defining quality of mine. At times, I'm more likely to drive closer to rage than calm.  It is more common than not for me to be annoyed by small, insignificant problems.  And my fuse for inconveniences is short.  I work on these!  I pray about them.  But I can't seem to get past them!  Not yet anyway!

But there is one aspect of meekness that I hope most of all to have: I pray for the meekness to submit without hesitation to God's promptings in my life.

I hope that in this lifetime I may find happiness as promised.  And in the next, that I may inherit the new earth first described by Isaiah, then Jeremiah, referred to by Jesus here and Saints Peter and John after Jesus ascended.  It is part of how God's eternal reward is described!  Now that is something to submit to!

Today, I will listen quietly for God's whisper and I will go where it sends me.

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