Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29, 2014 - Saturday

“The Lord reigns for ever and ever.” (Exodus 15:18 NIV)

Last night we watched basketball.  The 2014 NCAA tournament is nearing the end and we saw two talented teams give everything they had in order to win.  It was an exciting game and afterwards, as is typically done, the first thing the broadcasters do is interview the winning coach and his star player.  They ask them to describe the game, how they feel, and what it all means to them.  And after the final game, sometimes a star player will give thanks to God.  Now, in our secular culture, we can probably agree, that such open gestures of faith can be risky and even cause some discussion after the fact; so it tells us something about the committment and strength of character of the individual.

Today's verse is such a gesture!  Immediately after the Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt and destroyed Pharoah and his army in the sea, Moses makes a public statement about how great and powerful the Lord is.  As part of it, he reminds us that the Lord will reign forever.

Interestingly, Exodus is near the very beginning of the Bible.  This statement is made again twice in the last book of the Bible.  Quite a frame for this book, the Word of God.

Today, I will recgonize God's greatness and his willingness to save those who have faith in him.

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