Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15, 2014 - Saturday

You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way. (Psalm 18:36 NIV)

We all have a boss.  David the King knew that it was his Lord, our God, who provided everything he needed!  He realized and shared it in his songs.

Yesterday was a difficult day for my spirit and about midday I found myself praying "Lord, I'm done!  And if you need me to do more, I need a rest!"  About a minute later, literally, I came across Matthew 11 28-30.    

As I mention in my morning post yesterday, I had hoped to be aware of God's invisible spirit moving in the visible world--even to be a flag blowing in his wind for others to see.  Indeed, reading this passage changed me dramatically after several days of true darkness.  Perhaps others saw this flag, the change in me as the dark cloud lifted.  I certainly did.

So, ok.  My point is, today's verse is about God providing exactly what we need for the job he gives us in this life.  Yesterday was a good reminder to me because my ankles, so close to giving way, did not!  He provided what I needed.

One more thing, this happened in the three o'clock hour which is known as the Hour of Divine Mercy, the hour when Jesus died on the cross.  Meaningful to me too, that it was on a Friday during Lent as I have been praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day--a prayer given to St. Faustina less than 100 years ago!

Today, I will step away from the dark cloud that has overshadowed me this week, and will walk along the broad path God provides.

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