Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015 - Wednesday

I will praise the LORD with all my heart
in the assembled congregation of the upright.
Great are the works of the LORD,
studied by all who delight in them. (Psalm 111:1-2 NABRE)

Praise God!

There is no one like him. He does things men cannot do. He creates from nothing. He alone is worthy of praise. He is alive and involved. Just because we aren't always aware of his presence doesn't mean he is not right here with us now!

Take pleasure in his creation!

Find ways to praise God. Go to quiet places. Find places that remind you how small we really are. Sit with the sea, climb to high places, watch the stars. Marvel at his work then go to Church! Become part of a community. Praise God for what he has done, what he is doing in this moment, and what he will do. Make new friends and study his Word. Build habit and routine to endure through your doubt. Remember why it really matters.

Just before he returned to the Father, Jesus called us to community. He called us to share our experience of him. If he is calling you closer right now, say yes and watch things change! Let things change. Make things change!

Today, I will praise God because of his greatness, delighting in his creation.

Saint Cornelius, who helped the Church evaluate new experiences through the wisdom and experience of those who have gone before, pray for us.

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