Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 2, 2015 - Wednesday

But I, like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God,
I trust in God’s mercy forever and ever. (Psalm 52:10 NABRE)

Psalm 52 is a condemnation of the powerful and arrogant who bring down upon themselves God’s judgment. In the context of the times, the just, those who trust in God alone, are gladdened and strengthened by the downfall of their traditional enemies. In today's verse, the psalmist tells us that, like an olive tree: the righteous will flourish in the house of God like a well-watered olive tree.*

The flourishing of the faithful by God's hand as well as the destruction of the enemies of the people of God are frequent themes in the Old Testament. Let us trust in God's mercy at all times. Let us seek to introduce and encourage those who do not know yet God. And let us remind those who have lost track of him about his mercy and faithfulness toward us. No one is so lost that God cannot find them.

Today, I will trust in God's mercy.

Blessed John Francis Burté and Companions, priest victims of the French Revolution, pray for us.

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