Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 17, 2015 - Thursday

Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
Until I arrive, attend to the reading, exhortation, and teaching.
Do not neglect the gift you have. (1 Timothy 4:12-14a NABRE)

Paul's first letter to Timothy is believed to have been written toward the end of Paul's career. Written to Timothy as pastor, rather than directly to the entire community, today's verse encourages Timothy in the exercise of the prophetic character of his office.*

What I love most about today's verse is how it lists specific ways we can make ourselves into good examples for others:

  1. By our speech
  2. By our conduct
  3. By loving others
  4. By keeping our faith alive
  5. By remaining pure
  6. By reading God's Word
  7. By encouraging others to pursue faith
  8. By teaching others about God
So, if you're having a hard day, why not join me in picking an action from this list, forgetting your own troubles for a while, and showing someone else how to be stronger in their faith walk by your example?

Today, I will try to set a good example for someone else who believes.

Saint Robert Bellarmine, patron of Catechists and Catechumens, pray for us.

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