Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015 - Thursday

Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” (Luke 5:10b NABRE)

At their first encounter, Jesus demonstrated for Simon the fisherman his power in an astonishing manner by causing his fishing nets to overflow to the point of tearing. Simon had to call his partners, James and John, for assistance with the catch because it was so big. When he realized he was standing in the presence of someone that had actually caused the fish to come into the nets, Peter grew afraid. He recognized something about Jesus and felt suddenly guilty, overwhelmed and unclean because of his own personal sins.

And what a reassuring and merciful statement Jesus makes to Simon. "Do not be afraid." When we, on occasion, realize we are in Jesus presence, it can be overwhelming and cause us to feel that same wave of fear and guilt. Let us remember Jesus words to Peter.

I'd like to point out two implications of today's verse which impact each of us. Jesus the Lord calls you and me to service. Jesus the Lord calls you and me away from our fear so that we can serve.

Today, I will serve fearlessly.

Saint Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church, and patron of teachers, pray for us.

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