Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 26, 2015 - Saturday

He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works but according to his own design and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began,
but now made manifest through the appearance of our savior Christ Jesus, who destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,
for which I was appointed preacher and apostle and teacher. (2 Timothy 1:9-11 NABRE)

Among other statements, Saint Paul teaches us here in stark terms that Jesus brought immortality to light by his life. In his actions and words, and finally by his death and resurrection, Jesus showed us that eternal life was truly available to each of us. And Paul reminds us too that we are called to a holy life fashioned according to God's design.

Lord, I accept your free gift of grace and seek to live according to your will.

*As Pope Francis speaks about immigration, religious freedom, and other matters to a large gathering at Independence Mall in Philadelphia, please join him in prayer. Here is a prayer for refugees and exiles from the Roman Missal:
O Lord, to whom no one is a strangerand from whose help no one is ever distant,look with compassion on refugees and exiles,on segregated persons and on lost children;restore them, we pray, to a homeland,and give us a kind heart for the needy and for strangers.Through Christ our Lord.

Today, I will remember my own refugee status and pray for others away from their true homes.

Saints Cosmas and Damian, who suffered martyrdom in Syria during the persecution of the Emperor Diocletian about the year 303, pray for us.

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