Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015 - Friday

For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.
If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that.
Those who want to be rich are falling into temptation and into a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge them into ruin and destruction.
For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains. (1 Timothy 6:7-10 NABRE)

Want versus need. Can we tell the difference?

Saint Paul tells us we need food and clothing for contentment. He exhorts us to separate ourselves from material goods.* He reminds us we should not want money. His words are obviously very well known, but do we take the time to align them with our personal desires and motivations?

What do I believe I need in this life? What do I desire beyond my needs? Can I see how the love of money can lead me away from my faith?

Lord God, divine author of these words of Saint Paul to Timothy, you give us your Word which leads to everlasting life. Help me to prioritize an eternity with you above the temporary pleasures money makes possible. Lord, soften my heart to the needs of others and grant me vision to quickly recognize how I can help. You have blessed me for a time with financial resources and my needs are satisfied. Show me how to share my excess, remembering it is not really mine but yours. You are the owner of all things. Thank you, Lord God, for the many blessings in my life and for the deep grace of awareness.

Today, I will reflect on the desires of my own heart, seeking to subdue my desire for money except as a means to build God's Kingdom here on Earth.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino, patron of air travelers, astronauts, and pilots, pray for us.

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