Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19, 2015 - Saturday

But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance. (Luke 8:15 NABRE)

Jesus is explaining to the Apostles the meaning of the parable of the sower. We have been given the great gift of God's Word, and our human gift back to God should be to embrace it. We embrace God's Word by reading it and thinking about it, at least a little every day whenever possible.

Jesus mentions that he wants us to embrace God's Word with a generous and good heart. Spend some time thinking what that means to you in your life. He wants us to persevere through trials and temptations, leaning on what we read in God's Word.

Today, I will consider what it means to read God's Word with a generous and good heart.

Saint Januarius, who's relic reminds us to notice the everyday miracles around us, pray for us.

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