Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014 - Saturday

“Come,” says my heart, “seek his face”;
your face, LORD, do I seek!  (Psalms 27:8 NABRE)

Today's verse is an idiomatic expression used to describe how King David seeks to commune with God in the Temple.*  It is an invitation by his very heart to return to their place of worship, to go to God and to spend time with him.

Do I seek time with the Lord?  Where do I find God in my own life?  Do I remember that I am his Temple?  Am I aware that I share space with God in every moment of my life?  Do I remember that I can spend time with God anytime of day or night because he is always with me?  Honestly, sometimes I forget!

Lord, my heart wants to spend time with you but I get so busy sometimes I forget you are already with me.  Remind me gently, when life's business overwhelms me, of your presence within me.  When I look to the sky for you, I know you are there.  When I see ocean sunrises, I recognize you in them.  When I see all the grand things of this world, I believe you are in all of them.  But I need not look beyond my own space, Lord, because you are as close as my own breath and you understand me better than I understand myself.  

Today, I will welcome God's presence within me, sharing my whole experience of this life as my gift to his glory.

Saint John Chrysostom, patron of orators, preachers and speakers, pray for us.

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