Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014 - Monday

...instruct certain people not to...concern themselves with myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the plan of God that is to be received by faith.  (1 Timothy 1:4 NABRE)

There is an expression:  He can't see the forest for the trees.  When we become overly concerned with details, we often lose sight of the big picture and the details become distractions from what is most important.  In some cases, the details can even mislead us.

In today's verse, written perhaps thirty years after Jesus' Ascension, Saint Paul instructs Timothy to restrain false and useless teaching that had sprung up in the Christian community at Ephesus.*  A predominantly gentile community, where there was some drifting away by some toward gnosticism,* and Paul instructs Timothy to preserve and redirect the community back to correct church doctrine and organization.*

Today, I will ask the Holy Spirit to provide me with insight regarding any cultural influences on my own thinking that contradict what is most important, and I will ask for a new direction in any illuminated areas of my life.

Blessed Virgin Mary, through whose birth the nature [we] inherited from our first parents is changed, and the birth of whose son is the dawn of our salvation, pray for us.  Pray for an increase of peace in our world.  I ask this today, on the celebration of your birth.

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