Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014 - Monday

It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument. (1 Timothy 2:8 NABRE)

Paul's words to Timothy, who was at the time administrator of the entire Ephesian community,* are a call to prayer.  Reading his letter, which addresses a variety of pastoral problems, I am reminded to pray in every place and to take note of Paul's guidance regarding my attitude in prayer.  I should pray without anger or argument toward other believers.

Lord, give me the grace to pray in every place and at all times throughout my day.  Release me from any anger or resentment I hold toward others who believe in you, for it is by our love for each other that the world will recognize us as Christians.

Today, I will pray constantly, in all the places I go.

Saint Thomas of Villanova, who encourages us to be rich in mercy and charity, pray for us.

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