Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014 - Sunday

If possible, on your part, live at peace with all. (Romans 12:18 NABRE)

When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he had not yet traveled to Rome or even met many of the believers from there. He had only heard stories of how the young Church was doing (Acts 18:2). Written almost twenty-five years after Jesus' ascension, probably while Paul was in Corinth on his second missionary journey, this letter offers believers many practical details on how Christians should live together.

Lord Jesus, I ask that your Spirit lead my heart today so that I may be an ambassador for my homeland. May your gifts to me, given by grace through your Holy Spirit, find expression today in ways that encourage other believers, especially those who may have become weak in their faith.  If it is at all possible, allow me the chance to share part of our relationship with someone who needs encouragement. If I have a small portion of wisdom, allow me to speak it to someone who wrestles with a difficult decision.  If I can be generous, allow me to contribute to the needs of your people.

Today, I will pray for a heart open to your whispered call, a heart filled with courage to reach out to others in need, and a heart confident that you will provide all I will need to answer your call.

Saint Matthew, patron of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers and tax collectors, pray for us.

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