Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14, 2014 - Sunday

May grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.  (2 Peter 1:2 NABRE)

Living in the Roman world, Saint Peter knew how difficult it is to live a Christian life "in a hostile, secular environment that espoused different values and subjected the Christian minority to ridicule and oppression."*

Today, we face the same challenges in our own culture.  We are called to follow Jesus in a society whose values can often have more to do with personal gain, individualism, consumerism and wealth accumulation than grace, peace, faith and mercy.

As a result, the advice Saint Peter offers in his letters is still useful today.  I find myself challenged each day to find ways to live God's purpose for my life in all the little details, but Peter's call to increase my knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord is a constant reminder to stay focused on what is important and eternal rather than what is passing away and temporary.

Today, I will remind myself that true grace and peace come only from God.

Saint Helena, on this feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, pray for us.

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