Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014 - Tuesday

The living, the living give you thanks,
as I do today.
Parents declare to their children,
O God, your faithfulness. (Isaiah 38:19 NABRE)

My children are miracles of God! As parents, my wife and I have been given the indescribable gift of time with them. For years, we had the amazing pleasure of watching over and guiding them as they grew, first as infants, then children, then young adults.  Now we have the unequaled privilege to know the beautiful people they have become. They are the great joys of our lives.  Our love for them is the closest hint we have of God's great love for us.  What overwhelming joy when we can sense it!

God our father loves us without limit.  His mercy has no end.  As parents, we care for his children who are entrusted to us.  As parents, we reflect--however imperfectly--his caring, compassion and faithfulness.

Lord God, thank you for this great gift of parenthood.  May we continue to declare to our children, O God, your faithfulness.

Today, I will pray for all parents entrusted with the care of God's children.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Monica, patron of mothers, pray for us.
Saint Rita of Cascia, patron of parents, pray for us.

Saint Pio of Pietrelcini, PadrĂ© Pio, whose feast day it is and who is praised for your dedication to prayer, charity and your witness to the power of suffering, pray for us.

Saint John Paul II, who cannonized Padré Pio and who teaches us to "open wide the doors to Christ," pray for us.

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