Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014 - Tuesday

When Jesus arrived at the official’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd who were making a commotion,
he said, “Go away! The girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they ridiculed him.
When the crowd was put out, he came and took her by the hand, and the little girl arose.  (Matthew 9:23-25 NABRE)

Faith first.  Proof follows.  With God, when we let go and trust in his promises, it's not uncommon that we find miracles become apparent to us.  When the synagogue official expressed his faith in Jesus' ability to raise his daughter from death, he expressed faith in God's ability to deliver the impossible.  And because of his faith, Jesus restored life to the girl.

For anyone who willingly chooses to put their faith in God's promises, miracles begin to become visible.  Not all are death-defying, though that does happen.  Most are small, and even quickly forgotten.  But each one becomes another proof for the believer that Jesus does what he promises in our lives.  Through his Spirit, he is active in our lives, right now!

I always find myself feeling like I dance at the edge of superstition when I think this way; however, when I reign in my self-judgment, I see that even when I maintain a sober, skeptical perspective, I've experienced certain coincidences which are far too frequent and entirely too common to be just that.  they become my proofs, increasing my confidence with time that my faith is not foolishness.

I cannot give you faith, but I can encourage what is within you.  Don't look for proof first.  It will disappoint you.  Flip that coin over.  Consider stepping out in faith first and see where it leads you.

Today, I will seek to have the kind of faith of the official.  I will not seek proof first, but will openly accept insight as it comes to me, especially when it is unexpected.

Saint Cyprian, whose life reminds us that the Church grows over time, pray for us.

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