Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014 - Friday

For you have been a refuge to the poor,
a refuge to the needy in their distress;
Shelter from the rain,
shade from the heat.
When the blast of the ruthless was like a winter rain.  (Isaiah 25:4 NABRE)

Have you ever had a moment of insight, a flash of understanding, a light bulb moment?  The prophet Isaiah had many such moments and was open to them.  He had visions and in them he realized an overwhelming sense of God's perfect holiness and our deep sinfulness.

Today's verse paints a very clear image of God's protection for the weakest among his people.  In it, Isaiah depicts God as a shelter from all types of harm.  He protects the poor and the needy suffering pain, anxiety or sorrow.  He protects them especially from anyone who lacks pity or compassion.

I am certain that each of us is called to be part of God's sheltering refuge.  We are responsible to each other, to provide protection from the rain, heat, and blasts of cold winter rain which cause harm to those who are not able to shelter themselves.

Today, I will follow the example of Mother Teresa, seeking to assist others in need.

Blessed Teresa of Kolkata (Calcutta), icon of the Good Samaritan, pray for us.

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