Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2015 - Monday

For I will slake the thirst of the faint; the appetite of all the weary I will satisfy.  (Jeremiah 31:25 NABRE)

God promises to satisfy the needs of his people.  In this passage, God speaks to his people through Jeremiah's dream.  In it, God promises to restore the kingdom of Judah which had been overrun by outside nations.  This occurs about 600 BC, while they are suffering in exile.

God promises to satisfy our needs even today.  What a huge statement:  God promises.  Do I believe it?  Do my circumstances keep me from believing God will really satisfy all my needs?  When I become lost in my own sorrows and trials, it can be difficult to remember God's promise.  And that is why, as Saint Paul tells us, we should "pray without ceasing"* and "in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make [our] requests known to God."*  In each moment, be with God.

We should make it our purpose in life to be constantly turned to God, believing he will satisfy our needs.  When I consider the courage of Mary at the foot of the cross, I realize her trust in God's promise at that moment did not depend on her circumstances.

Today, I will give up my anxiety and trust in God's promise to satisfy all my needs.

Our Lady of Sorrows, who stood fearlessly at the cross of your son, Jesus, pray for us.

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