Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 2014 - Saturday

I declare: “Gods though you be,
offspring of the Most High all of you."  (Psalm 82:6 NABRE)

In the gospel of John (10:34), "Jesus uses this verse [from the Psalms] to prove that those to whom the word of God is addressed can fittingly be called 'gods.'”* And Saint Peter writes to Gentile believers years later in the young Church, telling them it is because of God's gifts that we will share in the divine nature.*

Heady stuff!  In isolation it's a thought that at first seems a bit absurd. But as soon as we recognize it as a theme that runs through the entire Bible, we can see it as one more representation of God's promise of salvation. 

And in this life, Jesus calls me and Peter encourages me to live virtuously, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Church.

My value and my worth come not from what I do or think, but because I am wonderfully made* in the likeness of God.*  I do well to always remember this and to act accordingly.

Today, I will remember that I am created in God's image.  I am fit to be called a god.  I have been called to live a certain way. And I have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to do so.*

Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions, Korean martyrs, pray for us.

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