Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014 - Friday

let the plains be joyful and all that is in them.
Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice (Psalm 96:12 NABRE)
...before the LORD who comes,
who comes to govern the earth,
To govern the world with justice
and the peoples with faithfulness.

Our God is the sole and just ruler of all that is visible and invisible.  Worship belongs to him alone, so much so that even inanimate creation praises him with joy!*

On this morning especially, our family lives in a state of great anticipation. We can hardly contain our excitement. We have no words to express our longing for the wondrous life events which are upon us: the birth of a child and the establishment of a new family home. This longing we feel. It is how all creation awaits the return of Jesus. We don't know when it will happen exactly, but we know it could be today!

In today's psalm, we have a beautiful picture of the utter joy and the unrestrained rejoicing of all existence in God's presence!  God willing, we will know part of this joy today as he reveals himself again in our lives.

Lord, we thank you for revealing yourself in our lives! We celebrate new life and new beginnings with the certainty of your participation in our days; with the confidence of your protection over our hearts, minds and souls; and with the joy of your happiness in our praise.

Today, I will rejoice in God's presence!

Saint Anne, mother of Our Lady, Grandmother of Jesus, patron of women in labor, pray for us.
Raphael the Archangel, patron of young people, blindness, and lovers, pray for us.
Saint Daniel and Companions, martyrs of the 13th century who remind us we do not choose the exact conditions of our witness to Jesus, pray for us.

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