Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014 - Tuesday

Let my prayer be incense before you;
my uplifted hands an evening offering. (Psalm 141:2 NABRE)

Incense is the smoke which rises up from an alter of sacrifice. Uplifted hands are a gesture of supplication made as we humbly ask God for something.*

This is from the beginning of a prayer of King David asking God for help.  So what would this great king ask of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords? He asks God to guard his heart so he won't fall into evil thinking and action. To some, it might seem strange that David would ask for such a thing; but it is important to realize that God is not our genie in a lamp waiting to grant us our three wishes.  God is not our butler waiting to take our orders.

God is the creator of all that is visible and invisible, of all that has ever been and ever will be.  If we step out of our tiny perspective for even a brief moment occasionally to remember this, we recognize that it is us who need God, not the other way around.

So, no matter what our rank in life is, we do well to follow the lead of King David. God wants us to turn to him when we have needs, and he hears and answers our prayers.

Today, I will offer up my humble requests to the Lord, certain of his divine love and mercy.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Monica, patron of mothers, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, patron of fathers, pray for us.

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