Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 - Wednesday

And I saw that there is nothing better for mortals than to rejoice in their work; for this is their lot. Who will let them see what is to come after them? (Ecclesiastes 3:22 NABRE)

At first blush, it seems odd that we should rejoice in our work. But it makes sense.

The writer of Ecclesiastes understands work is our lot in life, he says as much; so I wonder why we should seek anything more than to be resigned to the necessity of it? Yet, he tells us there is nothing better than to rejoice in it.

The writer suggests that since we cannot be certain of anything beyond this life, and since we must work to survive, we should find ways to be joyful while doing it and delighted with our results.

Today, I will seek to "be in the moment," to find the joy in my work and to take pleasure in the results of it.

Saint Narcissus of Jerusalem, bishop in the young Church, pray for us.

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