Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 - Monday

First, I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is heralded throughout the world. (Romans 1:8 NABRE)

Isn't it interesting how we lead such different lives and can seem to have little or nothing in common? We can share no common interests. We can live in different places and at different times.  And yet, each of us is called to live in a unique way that gives glory to God.

Wherever we are in this life, each of us can be an ambassador for the Lord. Each day, we look at the life of one saint. Some knew Jesus. Others are our contemporaries. Some were fishermen, doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Others are mechanics, computer programmers, insurance agents, and managers.

When we live our faith in our time and place, we animate the living body of Christ. We are the Church, with all our human imperfections and shortcomings. Despite our human failings, how we live matters. Trying matters. Giving and forgiving matter.

Today, I will continue to live my life, uniquely giving glory to God.

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher of Canada, whose life centered around prayer, penance and charity, pray for us.

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