Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014 - Thursday

The LORD is with me; I am not afraid;
what can mortals do against me? (Psalm 118: NABRE)

In the midst of life's greatest challenges, we rely on the Lord. Like King David, when he was surrounded by enemies and remained unafraid, we are wise to recognize and trust that the Lord God is with us.

A friend of mine who is very sick expressed this same confidence recently by asking the rhetorical question, "Where else can I turn?" What faith! What hope!

For me, life's great challenges have been times when leaning on God has happened naturally. Trust has gotten me through whatever suffering I faced. But it is at times of relative comfort, when the trials of life amount to nothing more than small annoyances repeated frequently, that I struggle. It is at these times I forget to turn to my Lord and seek instead my own puny strength and misguided counsel.

Lord, for the many times in my life when I should rely on you, when I should turn to you, please soften my heart so that I might think of you first. My God and father, please whisper in my ear so that I might hear you before acting foolishly in little fits of pride, putting aside the faith and hope I do have in favor of my own self-importance. And lastly, Lord Jesus, I ask for patience, gentleness, kindness and compassion for all those around me, that I might see your face when I look at theirs, hear your voice when they speak, and glimpse your eternal life in each breath I witness of theirs.

Today, I will have confidence in the Lord's protection over my life and I will listen for his whispered guidance during my ordinary day.

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez, who teaches us happiness is gained by service and prayer, pray for us.

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