Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 - Friday

And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because he is a disciple—amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward. (Matthew 10:42 NABRE)

This chapter of Matthew's gospel is about being a disciple of Jesus. In speaking to his friends about their commission as disciples, Jesus describes a--to put it mildly--bleak outlook. He tells them about the persecutions they will face from all sides and from their own people. He goes on to inform them that he has come to cause division among people. His disciples must give up everything in order to follow him.

But Jesus also tells them to be courageous. He reminds them of the eternal reward for those who are his disciples, and for those who, as we see in today's verse, help them proclaim the kingdom. Jesus calls his disciples prophets, righteous men and little ones because they speak in the name of God, they are virtuous, and they are his followers.

When I face each day as a follower of Jesus, I risk persecution, humiliation and loss. But, when I speak in defense of my beliefs during these times of trouble, I find courage in knowing it is not me but God's Holy Spirit in me who speaks. And when I help other of Jesus' followers, even in little ways, I have his promise, made in today's verse, which is the freely given promise of eternal life in his presence.

Today, I will help and not hinder those who are faithful to Jesus.

Saint Wolfgang, whose life reminds us to take our responsibilities seriously, pray for us.

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