Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 - Friday

Then God said: Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other.
God made the dome, and it separated the water below the dome from the water above the dome. And so it happened. (Genesis 1:6-7 NABRE)

The so-called ongoing debate between science and religion with respect to the creation of the universe is a misdirection which serves no good purpose.

As Christians, we believe that God lives outside of time. We believe he was here at the beginning of what we know as time and created all that exists, both visible and invisible. We believe he is infinite.

Many people put their faith in science. They believe in it. My concern is that science itself is not a thing to be believed in. Rather, it is something to be used by us to increase our understanding of and insight into this existence we are part of. Science is good. Science is a gift, an aspect of how we think of and observe the world around us.

Many people put their faith in religion. They believe in it. My concern is that religion itself is not a thing to be believed in either. Rather it is something to be used by us to increase our understanding of and insight into this existence we are part of. Religion is good. Religion is a gift.

Christianity, which we believe is the religion founded by the one true God, in the person of Jesus Christ, has just one purpose and that is to teach, encourage and sustain faith in God for all people during this life.

Science does not disprove God. There is no need for disagreement, intolerance, and disrespectfulness between believers on both sides of this shaky non-issue. Honesty is called for. No one living today was here for the creation of the world. Tolerance is also in order on both sides of this issue. Respect for the value each mind brings to considering this ultimate question should always be present.

Today, I will respect all people and their ability to think, even when we disagree.

Saint Anthony Claret, whose suffering for your faith included 14 attempts on your life, pray for us.

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