Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014 - Saturday

Praise the LORD from the heavens;
praise him in the heights. (Psalm 148:1 NABRE)

Psalm 148 begins with the exclamation Hallelujah! and today's verse. It's a simple thing really, but one I sometimes forget when I'm distracted by my personal concerns: Praise God at all times!

This week has brought our family one of those perfect reminders that the Lord of life deserves our constant praise. The birth of a baby displays the timeless truth of this passage playing out in our lives. And so, we have another touchstone to the divine, another life, another soul created to bring glory, a new promise of hope for the future, another child of God to love.

Praise the Lord!

Today, I will join all creation which brings glory to God for his greatness, working to bring glory to him by my way of living, my words, and my praise.

Saint Luke, writer of the third gospel and Acts of the Apostles, patron of artists, brewers, butchers, doctors, notaries, painters, physicians and surgeons, pray for us.

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