Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10, 2015 - Tuesday

Look upon me, have pity on me,
for I am alone and afflicted.
Relieve the troubles of my heart;
bring me out of my distress.
Look upon my affliction and suffering;
take away all my sins. (Psalm 25:16-18 NABRE)

Let today's passage resonate in your mind and in your heart. Read it. Repeat it. Repeat it over and over to yourself. Speak the words aloud. Pray the words in silence. Hear them. Hear nothing else as you do. Join with David the Psalmist. Indeed, join with all those who suffer. See that you do not suffer in isolation, but in the company of all. Like a mantra, let these verses, like healing salve, surround you. Find peace in God's presence in every small moment of your day. He is with you in each moment.

Today, I will meditate continually on these three verses from Psalm 25.

Saint Dominic Savio, who as a young boy said, "I can't do big things. But I want all I do, even the smallest thing, to be for the greater glory of God," pray for us.

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