Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6, 2015 - Friday

Jesus said to them, “Did you never read in the scriptures:
‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes’? (Matthew 21:42 NABRE)

Jesus speaks of himself as being the cornerstone when he quotes from Psalm 118 to the religious leaders in the temple. They recognize themselves as the builders who rejected it.

Why is it so difficult to recognize Jesus? Throughout all of history, we see the same story play out. We see it in ourselves if we look closely and honestly enough. We miss him so often! We don't recognize him any more than the chief priests and elders did that day in Jerusalem.

Perhaps it is because, like them, we expect something different. They expected a powerful political leader, not a poor son of a carpenter from an insignificant little town. To make a long story short, we should see Jesus in one another. When you look at anyone in need, it is Jesus who needs your help. When someone is hungry, thirsty, cold, or alone, it is Jesus who needs your help. Can you see him now?

Today, I will pray to recognize Jesus in the face of those around me.

Saint Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes, whose life reminds us that if our self-denial does not lead to charity the penance is being practiced for the wrong reason, pray for us.

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