Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015 - Wednesday

He takes no delight in the strength of horses,
no pleasure in the runner’s stride.
Rather the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him,
those who put their hope in his mercy. (Psalm 147:10-11 NABRE)

Lord, I do not have the strength of horses, but I desire to delight you. I do not have the stride of a runner, but I want to please you. With the support and help of your Spirit, I submit myself to you entirely, to your faithfulness and your mercy. 

Lord, I depend on you for all I have. All I have on my own is nothing but you provide all I need. Keep me mindful of your greatness in this moment and in all of the moments this day will bring. Save me from any claim of self-sufficiency* so that I might recognize in all things your sovereign majesty. 

Lord God, I am in awe of your infinite nature, overtaken by thoughts of your endlessness. My own smallness by comparison is humbling! Keep me on the lighted path, grateful for the many gifts you provide. Thank you, Lord, for the countless graces and blessings of my life. I put my entire hope in your mercy, for it is only your mercy which can save me. Amen.

Today, I will recall the endless creative power of God who provides for all my needs.

Saint Francis of Assisi, who recognized creation as another manifestation of the beauty of God, pray for us.

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