Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015 - Friday

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted,
saves those whose spirit is crushed.
Many are the troubles of the righteous,
but the LORD delivers him from them all. (Psalm 34:19-20 NABRE)

When was the last time someone really broke your heart? How did it feel? When was the last time you worked hard for something only to be denied, declined, or overlooked? Do you remember the spirit-crushing sensation accompanied a sense of complete failure?

In such moments, we can become so overwhelmed there seems to be no returning. Driven to desperation, many turn to God, either in anger or anguish. It is in exactly such moments that we should fall back on the words of today's psalm, lean into the promise of God, and ask him for help.

If you are troubled right now, turn your hurt over to God, not in anger but as a child would turn to his parent for comfort. Let God's embrace happen. He is close to you and wants to reconnect with you. Let him!

Lord, I pray for those who suffer today, especially for those who have no one else to pray for them. Please be close to them--so close they can feel your presence! Please relieve their crushed spirits so they will turn to you, leaving anger and misunderstanding aside. Deliver them from whatever troubles them. Show them your gentle healing love so they might turn to you with their hearts and minds, actions and faith.

Today, I will pray for all who are lonely and in need of a friend, that the Lord will lead me, or someone, to them.

Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary and patron of fathers, pray for us.

Blessed John of Parma, who became the seventh general minister of the Franciscan Order and restored to it the spirit of poverty and humility we recognize even today, pray for us.

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