Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015 - Sunday

The Lord GOD has given me
a well-trained tongue,
That I might know how to answer the weary
a word that will waken them.
Morning after morning
he wakens my ear to hear as disciples do;
The Lord GOD opened my ear;
I did not refuse,
did not turn away. (Isaiah 50:4-5 NABRE)

What a gift to recognize that everything we have is a gift from God! Everything--the good, the bad, and the impossible!

Think of your life, your health, your talents, your passions, your relationships, your finances, your home and possessions, your faith, your awareness of God in your daily life, your unique ability to speak or to write, your skill when caring for others, your physical strength, your particular eye for accuracy with numbers, or your artistic eye.

One by one, think of each one of these things as a gift to you. Pause at each gift. Picture it wrapped in the most perfect birthday paper, being handed to you by your smiling Father. Imagine his embrace as you open each one of these gifts. Feel his presence with you, as you gaze across this table of gifts chosen just for you.

In today's verse, Isaiah reminds us that when we hear as disciples do, we recognize our many blessings as gifts from the Lord, not as accomplishments of our own doing. And we use these gifts to praise and honor the one who gave them to us. It is our purpose! It is our singular reason for drawing breath! And there are so many ways to give glory to God--find yours!

Today, on this Palm Sunday, I will not turn away from what I hear God calling me to do.

Blessed Ludovico of Casoria, who by his great suffering was led toward compassion rather than indifference, pray for us.

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