Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19, 2015 - Thursday

He did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief; rather, he was empowered by faith and gave glory to God and was fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to do. ( Romans 4:20-21 NABRE)

Abraham, who according to Saint Paul, is our spiritual father in the sight of God, had great faith. His faith in God was so firm that God promised him he would inherit the world because of it. It was his faith alone which made him acceptable to God and worthy of such a promise.

How often do we doubt God's promises to us, casting them aside as nothing more than whispers in the wind? And what does it gain us?!

Consider the power of Abraham's faith and the joy it brought him. And recognize what may be the greatest quality of his faith: Abraham was fully convinced that what [God] had promised he was also able to do.

Lord God, strengthen my faith today and stir your Spirit within me! Give me confidence in prayer so that I may joyfully give glory to you alone. Confirm for me my certainty that you are able to do whatever you have promised you will do. Thank you, Lord, for the spiritual family you have created for me, especially the father figures you have provided--with Abraham as a father, with Joseph the carpenter and husband of Mary who loved and protected your only son, Jesus. I am blessed to live in the heritage of their faithful service to you, and I am thankful beyond measure for your great gifts.

Today, I will give glory to God by each of my words and actions.

Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary and patron of fathers, pray for us.

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