Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015 - Monday

But his servants came up and reasoned with him: “My father, if the prophet told you to do something extraordinary, would you not do it? All the more since he told you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” (2 Kings 5:13 NABRE)

As it turns out, our need for instant solutions is not unique to the last fifty years. Throughout history, we humans have always looked for quick answers to our problems. As it turns out, our desire for supernatural or magical fixes to our problems seems to be part of our DNA.

In today's verse, a sick man is encouraged by his friends to trust that God is responding to his need even though the response is neither what he expects, nor supernatural.

God's response requires the man to act before he fully understands, to trust before he receives freedom from his disease. As is so often the case, God's response to the man is a surprise.

In fact, God's response--to cure the man's skin disease by simply bathing in the Jordan river,-- is an entirely unremarkable and unlikely solution. And that is exactly why it became such a compelling proof to the man of God's living power and presence.

Lord, I am thankful for your presence in my life. Grateful for the many blessings you provide. By the power of your holy Spirit, keep me always mindful of your great graces that surround us every day.

Today, I will maintain an attitude of gratitude.

Saint Frances of Rome, patron of widows and motorists, pray for us.

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