Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015 - Monday

Thus says God, the LORD,
who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread out the earth and its produce,
Who gives breath to its people
and spirit to those who walk on it. (Isaiah 42:5 NABRE)

A phrase from Isaiah 42 the imagery of which strikes me by its expansiveness. Plucked from a familiar passage applied by Christian tradition to Jesus (see especially verse 1), this description of God the Father reminds me to consider his eternal character. The images contrast in every way with my own mortality and limited perspective.

In this passage, we can almost picture God stretching the heavens out like a sheet of lights over the earth. We are given a view of him spreading life across the earth, plants and animals. And we envision him breathing life and spirit into each one of us, from the first of us right to the most recent of us. We are all part of his creation and that is amazing!

Today, I will remember God's grandeur in every moment I can.

Saint Peter Regalado, who said, "take care not to be disturbed or angered at the sin or the evil of another, because the devil wishes to destroy many through the fault of one," pray for us.

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