Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2016 - Saturday

But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance. (Luke 8:15 NABRE)

This saying continues the theme of responding to the word of God. Those who hear the word must become a light to others (Luke 8:16); even the mysteries of the kingdom that have been made known to the disciples (Luke 8:9–10) must come to light (Luke 8:17); a generous and persevering response to the word of God leads to a still more perfect response to the word.*

We are always learning. Even in our pursuit of God through his word, each time we read it we encounter a new aspect of the divine revelation. There aren't enough years in a human lifespan to fully know all God's word can teach us. And that is partly due to the influence our own experience has on our understanding of what we read. Each time we read God's word, we have new ideas and perspectives gained by recent experience and knowledge.

Let us who have heard the word continue to embrace it with further reading, let us seek to live out what we learn as we encounter its truths, and let us remain grateful for the miraculous fruit this effort bears as we persevere.

Today, I will look at my own life in the context of the Parable of the Sower.

Blessed Angela Salawa, who brought the Good News and material assistance to some of Christ’s "least ones," pray for us.

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