Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016 - Tuesday

God is our refuge and our strength,
an ever-present help in distress.
Thus we do not fear, though earth be shaken
and mountains quake to the depths of the sea,
Though its waters rage and foam
and mountains totter at its surging (Psalm 46:2-3 NABRE)

Psalm 46 is a song of confidence in God’s protection. It acknowledges that the Lord is with us, mentioning the security of God’s presence even in utter chaos.* Despite that, today's passage can seem strangely remote and inaccessible. I have never experienced the earth and sea shaking and raging so violently that mountains quaked down to their foundations and even tottered like little tops.

And so how do I relate?

When I consider my own distresses, small as they are by comparison, it becomes suddenly clear to see that God helps me through such times. No matter how devastating they may be, God always gives me help, strength and protection.

Today, I will remember that no problem I have is bigger than God's ability to see me through it.

Saint John of God, whose utter humility led to a totally selfless dedication to others, pray for us.

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