Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016 - Monday

They suppressed their consciences and turned away their eyes from looking to Heaven or remembering their duty to administer justice. (Daniel 13:9 NRSVCE)

Isn't this exactly how it happens?! This translation, in particular, strikes me as a perfect description of my own human struggle with moral dilemmas. When I find myself in times of trouble, when I'm tempted by the promises of this world, when I think I can "get away with something," when I have to choose good or bad, I sometimes suppress my conscience and turn my eyes away from Heaven.

Wow, what a helpful thing to realize. In such simple terms, I can take away a powerful new way to think about life's moments of truth. Anytime I feel inclined to suppress that annoying voice in my head telling me not to do something, I can choose, instead, to listen to it!

New? you ask. There is nothing new about this, you say. True, I reply. But the choice of words in this translation suggests a concrete way to successfully respond to the prompting of my conscience.

Today, on this Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent, I will resist the impulse to suppress my conscience. I will allow it to speak into my thoughts. And I will look to heaven for assistance when making difficult choices.

Saint Maximilian, 21-year-old martyr who, when condemned to death for refusing to join the Roman Army in the year 295, said, "I shall not die. If I go from this earth, my soul will live with Christ my Lord," pray for us.

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