Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 - Monday

For this I labor and struggle, in accord with the exercise of his power working within me. (Colossians 1:29 NABRE)

Saint Paul is a fantastic role model for us who believe.

He was so single-minded in his sense of mission that he withstood constant persecution--indeed he wrote these words from jail--simply to share the truth of Jesus to non-believers and encourage new believers.

So what could possibly motivate him to keep at this frustrating work of being an apostle for Jesus?  After all he was humiliated, arrested, and worse.  He experienced suffering I have never known for the sake of this gospel work.  Why would he ever endure that, putting up with so much suffering and the promise of nothing but more of it?

We can find part of the answer in his past, when his name was Saul.  He was a highly educated and revered young Jewish leader determined to destroy the first followers of Jesus and was present when Stephen was stoned (see Acts 7:58).

What on earth could be so powerful to change such a murderous, self-righteous man bent on destroying this Jesus movement into the suffering laborer, leading the cause for Jesus to the entire non-Jewish world?

He experienced the conversion we all need to have!  Acts, chapter 9 is the amazing story of his experience when the risen and ascended Jesus actually confronts and changes Saul.  Immediately after he regains his sight, he begins to teach about the hope for glory that is promised to believers, and he never stopped.

Today, I will encourage you who read this to read the story of Saul's conversion and to recall the first time you encountered the risen Jesus in your own life. 

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