Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014 - Monday

Those to whom God gives riches and property, and grants power to partake of them, so that they receive their lot and find joy in the fruits of their toil: This is a gift from God. (Ecclesiastes 5:18 NABRE)

The joys of this life are indeed gifts from God!

Joy-filled moments carry us far away from this short life's difficulties, troubles and pains.  Little moments.  Short snippets of time.  The length of a smile.  The duration of a touch.  A cool breeze.  A compliment.  A quick colorful sunset.  Joy can overcome us in a moment and last much longer.

My best advice for finding joy is to be grateful for each little gift, by choice.  Look from one joyful moment to the next even as you work hard to earn your living.  When it seems impossible to find joy, don't look up or far away, don't look inside, don't look at all.

Give thanks first!

Lord, thank you for this gift of joy.  I ask that you protect me from my own inclination to take all the credit for my riches, my property.  I ask for your continued blessings of joy on my family and friends, and that you guard us all from the arrogance and indifference that turn so many away from you.  Continue to give us your joy in this life, as a small taste of the greater joy we are promised in the next.

Today, on this day of hope and promise (my view on Monday), I will remind myself to be grateful and to seek out new ways to serve others around me.

Saint Theophilus of Corte, who lived a life of generous service, pray for us.

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