Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9, 2014 - Friday

There he lies rotting beside the road,
and out of the soil another sprouts.
Behold, God will not cast away the upright;
neither will he take the hand of the wicked.
Once more will he fill your mouth with laughter
and your lips with rejoicing. (Job 8:19-21 NABRE)

Job is deeply depressed.  He can't understand why God lets him continue to suffer with no end in sight.  One of his friends, Bildad, offers him an understanding ear and some words of encouragement.

We should listen to these words ourselves and be encouraged!

When life's problems mount up, as they have a way of doing, it's so difficult for me to remember that God is still present with me.  It can seem impossible to believe he would allow such suffering in my life!  And it seems like when it rains it pours!  When I have one thing go wrong, it seems like two more wrong things happen too!

In today's verse, the "he" who is rotting beside the road is the person who forgets about God, the person who leans on his own accomplishments, the person who hates God's people, the person Bildad goes so far as to call wicked.

Today, I will remember God is with me even if the day's problems overwhelm me.  In fact, I will join my own little sufferings to Jesus' agonizing suffering on the cross and offer it as a prayer for others who forget about God.

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