Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014 - Friday

Therefore, my beloved, avoid idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:14 NABRE)

Everyone believes in something, but what do we worship?  Are there some areas of my life I give too much importance to:  money, sports, relaxation, alcohol, music, work, the approval of others?  This is a theme that runs through various parts of the Bible.  In fact we dug into this on April 25 in a passage from Joshua.

Today, Saint Paul tells me I should stop giving too much attention to my idols.  But how much is too much attention?  Are there any ways to know, any signs, any indicators to tell me I am too focused on my passion?

Fortunately, yes.  I first ask, does it adversely affect my relationships with others, my available time, my attitude?  That is my red flag for trouble.  It usually means I've found yet another way to put myself ahead of others...something I am very good at doing!  Regardless, this is a good indicator.  It is however, a bit limited because it is only a symptom of the real risk:  how is my over-attention on other things affect my relationship with God?  That is the key question, isn't it?  And it can be difficult for me to answer...honestly.

So then, how do I change?  First, I should confront my concern prayerfully to recognize a problem as a problem.  If I am trapped and, for example, can think only of spending all my free time playing music, Saint Paul tells me (in verse 13) I should pray for God's strength to overcome that trial and for a way out so that I can bear it.

Today, I will pray, deliberately and briefly, at a different time of day when I've never prayed before so my worship at that specific time is given only to God.

St. Peregrine Laziosi, patron of cancer, AIDS and other serious disease, pray for us.

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