Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014 - Wednesday

Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy. (John 3:33 NABRE)

In the past few decades, we have seen our trust in God become very badly damaged.

Many of us have been hurt, disillusioned or turned away from the Lord and his church by the inexplicable horrors we have seen in our lifetime.  My children witnessed the tragedy of mass murder in the name of religion on 9/11/2001.  Why did they have to see that?  They watched war in Iraq play out on television like a video game.  Why did they have to endure that?  They took note of the atrocities perpetrated by too many in the clergy upon too many innocent children.  Why?  My children are right to demand:  God, where are you?!  And they are right to be angry.  And they are right to feel misled.  And they are right to feel ignored.

Haven't we all felt the same?  Didn't millions of faithful Jews know this and more by the hand of a madman in Germany?  Didn't Jesus himself feel abandoned on that cross?

But none of that means that God is not alive, that he is not with us right now, or that all that Jesus taught us is false!

And it doesn't mean that we are right to give God the silent treatment!

We need to admit and lean into our anger, confusion, and pain.  We need to actively seek healing, understanding, compassion.  We need to listen and stop being smart for a while.  We need to be quiet and listen, so we can hear some answers.

Lord, thank you for the gift of faith you have given to me, for my confidence in you, however shaken my trust becomes at times.  I ask that your spirit stir up within your people.  I ask that we see the healing of hearts in our lifetime.  I ask that, just as others before us who have suffered but remained aware of your presence in their lives, we too can know just how close you are to us and how much you care.  Lord, I ask in Jesus' name that you bring back to yourself, in your time and in your way, all who have given up hope and all who may even have thrown away their faith, choosing instead the emptiness this world offers as a substitute.

Today, I will pray for healing for those whose faith has been damaged.

Saint Eugene de Mazenod, who is known for allowing God's grace to lead his actions, pray for us.

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