Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014 - Sunday

Survey the path for your feet,
and all your ways will be sure. (Proverbs 4:26 NABRE)

Placed into its full context, this is part of an instruction to avoid evil and to act with goodness in order to have life and health.

Sounds like good advice.  There even seems to be an element of common sense in it.  When I decide to avoid whatever can harm me, no matter how enticing or necessary it is or has become, it makes sense that better health will result.  By the same token, when I choose to do whatever is healthy for me, no matter how difficult or annoying it is, it makes sense that longer life will result--all else being equal.

Simply put, I should examine individually each of my choices and actions to recognize if it is good or bad for me or others around me, and then decide if I need to course correct as a result.  My basic desire for long life and good health leads me to value this!

Today, I will act deliberately and carefully to avoid evil and to seek goodness.

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