Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014 - Tuesday

He willed to give us birth by the word of truth that we may be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. (James 1:18 NABRE)

Today's verse concludes a short passage on the value of temptation and trials in our lives.  That's right, the benefit of temptation and trials!  In this passage, beginning in verse 12, James tells us that when we experience and endure trials and temptations, we are blessed for having persevered faithfully through them.

However, James is clear that temptations are not put on us by God, but that the Lord provides us with only good gifts.  He goes one step further and tells us that temptations come from the enticement of our desires and lead us toward sin and death...that is the risk, and the stakes are very high!

Today's verse is is the encouraging conclusion to this challenging passage.  In it, we learn that God calls you and I to know and believe in the truth of his Word.  He does this because he wants us to be the first signs of his abundant harvest.

Today, I will be amazed by the great gift I've been given to be counted among God's first fruits, and I will invite others to be part of the harvest of the Lord.

Saint Bernardine of Siena, patron of gambling and compulsive behavior, pray for us.

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